This has been an awesome training week! It is nice to finally be back into the swing of things. It's amazing how different my body feels when I put in a lot of training hours. I feel stronger, fitter, healthier, and just happier in general. :)
* I had a great 10M run on Thursday. It was a far cry from last weekends horrible long run attempt. It was actually overcast, the temp. was around 60, and there was a slight breeze. It was perfect! I felt strong the entire run and it was an awesome feeling! I know the likelihood of the weather being this cool for my HIM is slim to none, but it was nice to have a break from the summer heat and humidity.
* I was excited to go to my Aquaman swim race on Tuesday night, but unfortunately, Mother Nature had something different planned in the way of lightning, rain, and thunder. I went to the race site anyways b/c the weather here can change in an instant, but I knew deep down that it would probably be canceled. The race was supposed to start at 6:20 and they said they were going to make the call to cancel it at 6. 6 rolled around and they said they were going to wait another 15-20min. to see if the storm would pass. The sky was dark, lightning was everywhere and I knew there was no way it was going to happen. So, instead of waiting around, I told my husband that I just wanted to go. I didn't want my boys out in the storm and I really did not want to risk getting struck by lightning just to practice my open water swimming! I transferred my registration fee over to next weeks race and headed home. This is what we saw as we were leaving the park:
I have no doubt that if we would have stayed, we wouldn't have seen the double rainbow. My boys have never seen a rainbow, so they were just besides themselves with excitement! :)
* I decided to get a stroke analysis done at a place called Swim Labs. They use an endless pool with mirrors and cameras which video tape you as you swim from different angles. It was so bizarre at first swimming in an endless pool, but after awhile it was as natural as swimming laps in a pool. If I was a millionaire, I would have one of these in my basement! They are so cool! Anyways, I was shocked by what I was (or was not) doing when I swam. My left arm almost crosses in front of my head causing tons of drag and let's just say I have NO pull. I really thought I was doing it somewhat right, but no, I was just doing this weird motion with my arm. No wonder I'm so slow! The mirror on the bottom of the pool gave me instant feedback and I was able to correct my left arm position really quickly. The catch and pull though are definitely going to take some time. The instructor gave me some drills to do, sent me home with a CD of parts of my swimming, and told me to practice, practice, practice.
I went to the pool this morning and tried out the new drills. Let's just say that the saying, "Old habits die hard" is very, very true. It is going to take me a long time to get the catch and pull right. But, I'm excited that I finally know what I need to work on and can't wait to see how my swimming evolves from here.
* I have been seeing these cool graphs and routes on blogs that people have uploaded via Garmin Connect. I have been using the old Garmin training center software that came with my 305 years ago. I decided to check out Garmin Connect myself and, oh my god, it is so much better than the old software! Seriously, where have I been that I am just now using this? But, I can't figure out how to post the map on my blog? Help!
Other things too:
* As I was driving home from my Swim Labs apt. I saw huge signs advertising GoLite's warehouse clearance sale. I love GoLite stuff, so I went to check it out. They had some great stuff at some amazing prices! I seriously had to restrain myself from not going crazy. But, I did walk away with a couple of sweet things!
Check out my new waterproof gore-tex jacket and hiking shorts! Woohoo! :)
* I love our garden! Every day it seems like the herbs and veggie plants are getting bigger. I cannot wait until our cucumbers, carrots, and squash are ready to eat. Tonight we're actually going to make a Capri salad with mozzarella and fresh basil and tomatoes that we grew. Yum!
Cucumbers and squash plants.
Carrots, herbs and tomato plants

* I was finally able to use the gift certificate my husband got me for Mother's day this morning. I went to the spa and got an hour long Sports massage. OH MY GOD! It was absolutely amazing and completely what I needed! The masseuse was incredible and knew the exact amount of pressure to use without hurting me or making me flinch. I have never had a sports massage, but I understand now why so many athletes swear by them and make it a monthly ritual. I left feeling loose, de-stressed, and completely relaxed! Ahhhh :)
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! And, good luck to all of you racing this weekend too! :)
Oh, so jealous of the sports massage, the swim stroke analysis, and the sale!! But not the lightning and thunder that stopped your race, yikes. Glad to hear you had such a wonderful week!
(I've never put the Garmin Connect stuff on my blog, but I think you save the graph as a jpg or gif, then insert it like any other picture)
ok, I officially hate you. Do you know how much it would cost to do that swim analysis here in NYC at the local 'endless pool' place?! Can you say "prohibitive"? Golite? I love them and you just happened by a warehouse sale? I have been coveting the Golite Hydropack and I have a couple of their jackets. love them.
Man, why does everyone else live in way cooler places than me....NYC sucks.
Very seldom do the break aways not get caught. But it does happen and actually happened in stage 2 or 3 this year.
Amazing the extra speed drafting will give you.
ooh, your swim analysis sounds fabulous! I too have NO pull. I'm tryin' though...
and i'm chucklin' at the moment at commentor Regina's comment...she needs to come take a vaca where you live;-)
That swim analysis seems awesome! As for the previous posters comment about it costing a ton to do in an endless pool with mirrors etc. See if there is a local pool or swim team (masters or USS) that does underwater filming done by a coach. And they could give you a cd and analyze your stroke. Might be cheaper than doing the endless pool stroke analysis thing! Good luck with your training!
Geez you have been up to some cool things and awesome workouts! Isnt't a succesful 10 mile run such a confidence booster!
Nice Training! and super cool on the swim assessment, I would like to do the same this fall.
I was totally rooting for the leaders in TDF yesterday and was equally amazed as peloton caught them within 3k - was talking to a buddy about it who filled me in on how the teams do the math of distance and current pace, etc - to catch them at very end. This is my first year watching it so is all new to me!
Nice score on the GoLite stuff and I love your garden!
What a great week! The weather has been playing a factor in those open water swims. I had hoped to swim in Boulder two Thursdays ago and it was closed due to a bad water reading, so I thought I would go this week, but I wasn't about to take the chance to drive up there the way the weather looked. Probably would have been fine as it turns out...well I guess there is next Thursday. Hope your able to get to yours!
Oh that would be so cool to have a swim analysis done like that. I would LOVE to do that! Watching yourself is really the only way to truly 'get' what is wrong with your stroke, so having a mirror right there for instant feedback would be perfect. Brilliant.
Great job on your long run! The cooler weather has been nice! I love my monthly sports massage. It is the best!
Hi Aimee,
I am so glad that this season is going so well for you! It is the best when you know that you are getting faster, stronger and fitter:) You have been working hard and it shows!
I love your little garden. I wish that we had a place to plant a few things. There is nothing better than fresh veggies out of your own garden!
I love gardening! I just had some fresh broccoli last night! Keep up the great training!
You have to right click and save it as a jpg or bmp file, sometimes you have to open it in your picture viewer and crop the picture.
I love the double rainbow picture.
Jealous of the massage!
Great job on the run... send some of the cooler weather our way will you? :)
That jacket is super cute and same with the shorts! Glad you found some great deals. And I'm super jealous of the massage!
Awesome rainbows. LOVE rainbows!!
Awesome run! Sweet new outfit & a garden too?!?! Jealous of gardens. I only grow weed. I mean weeds!! ;)
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