Mother's Day 5k Race Report:
The Mother's Day 5k wasn't scheduled to start until 9AM, but we wanted to give the boys a chance to play at the park before the race, so we got there a little before 8. Like I mentioned before, the race was held at City Park. It is a beautiful place with lakes, huge trees, and an awesome playground. The weather was absolutely beautiful and there wasn't any wind to be felt!
When we got to the venue, I picked up my timing chip and bib, and started walking around the little booths. I was so excited when I saw the "Run Like a Mother" booth. I'm sure most of you know about the book already, but if not, you can check it out here.
I got a sticker for my training book, and a very cute, soft, and comfy shirt! :)
Anyways, back to the 5k. As we were getting ready to go to the park I asked my husband if he wanted to run the race with the boys. I like when they cheer me on at races, but I also know that this would have been a fun race for him too. He was wearing his running stuff and we had the jogger, so at the last minute he decided to run too! I took the boys to the park while he registered and they had a blast playing on all of the fun equipment.
Around 8:45 we headed to the start area. No one was lining up yet, and it was a little strange. Now, this was an inaugural event, so they were kind of scrambling to get things set for the beginning of the race. But, we decided to line up even though no one else was. As we lined up the announcer grabbed the microphone and told people to start heading to the starting line. All at once, hundreds of people started making their way over. It was kind of chaotic, but it all worked out. The great thing about this event was that it brought out tons of people and families. Everywhere I looked there were mothers having their picture taken with their kids. It was awesome, and it made for a very relaxed and happy racing atmosphere.
Finally, it was time to start. The gun went off and adrenaline took over and I just ran as hard as I could. Within the first mile I felt the effects of my hour long run yesterday. I know it probably wasn't the best idea to run an hour the day before a race I'm trying to PR, but whatever. Through the entire race this other girl and I were pretty much running together. Sometimes she would pull ahead, sometimes I would pull ahead, but it was great to have her push me. By mile 2 my mouth was so dry I couldn't even swallow. I could have stopped for some water, but I didn't want to take the time. Plus, it was only 3.1 miles so I knew I'd be fine. Finally, I had the finish line in my sights. The girl and I took off in a sprint and she ended up beating me by 2 seconds. It was an awesome race, but I was so happy to be done!
Here are my stats:
Time: 22:39 (7:18pace) A NEW PR! WOOHOO! :)
Sex Place: 9/376 (Top 10...another WOOHOO!)
Overall Place: 37/542
And, my husband did it in 26:56...with the jogger! Hooray for him!
Pre-race Mother's Day picture :)
Mother's Day:
After the race we headed out for our annual tradition of getting flowers and veggies for our garden. The weather had warmed up quite a bit and it was the most beautiful day! After working hard for the rest of the afternoon, here is what our front porch looks like:
Part of our vegetable garden. Tomatoes on top, herbs in the middle, carrots on the bottom. The stepping stones are another Mother's Day tradition. Each year I have the boys make their hand prints in the stones, then I use them in our garden. I love them and they always make me smile every time I see (step on) them. :)
All in all, it was just a perfect day. I got to spend Mother's Day with my family and I couldn't have felt more blessed. I am so lucky to have two wonderful, healthy boys. As cliche as this might sound, they really do make my life complete and I can't imagine my life without them.
I hope all the mothers out there also had a wonderful Mother's Day! :)
Congrats on the new PR! Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day!
Congrats on the PR
Happy late mothers day to you, and congrats on the great race, and PR!
Woohoo--a PR is the perfect way to celebrate mother's day. The garden and flowers look great.
Congrats on the PR!!! What a great way to celebrate Mother's Day. I love your flowers and your garden. We're supposed to freeze here tonight, so no flowers for me yet.
You had a great day! Beautiful weather, a great race, gorgeous boys and now a wonderful garden. It doesn't get any better than that!
Oh my goodnes! You are so freaking fast:) Congrats on your new PR!! I am so happy for you! I love the t-shirt too!
PR's are always awesome! Congrats! Wow, you are fast!
Amy: congrats on the PR! Sorry I missed you in Denver--I was watching the running moms in Boulder--but thanks for buying the tee! And I planted yesterday afternoon too, only to have to bring everything inside tonight and tomorrow. Snow? Really? Thanks again for supporting RLAM. Can't wait to hear how your 70.3 goes. xo.
A cute t and a PR - holy cow. I love the garden and I cherish all the stones I have made with my boys. Sounds like a perfect day
Great race - nice PR! and great score on the had a great day!
What a perfect day! And holy smokin momma what a great PR! Congrats!
Great PR!!!!
I love your garden!
I need one of those t shirts!
Awesome job on the PR speedy! That t-shirt rocks. I love the colors on it and the base gray. Good combo.
That's such a cute garden you have going on there. The stepping stones are a nice touch.
Great job on the 5K! A PR and to 10 place - awesome! Sounds like you had a wonderful day!
Way to go! Top 10?!?!?! AWESOME! You DID have a "Perfect" mother's day! Congrats!
What a great mother's day! Congrats on the PR too :)
That IS the perfect Mother's Day! I'm so jealous!
Congrats on the PR! Sounds like a perfect Mother's Day to me! :)
Happy Momma's Day and a PR to boot - Congrats!
Congrats!! Great time! I love that you made it "sex" place instead of 'gender' place, ha! Happy belated Mother's Day!
Hey Aimee,
Just heard that next Tuesday LOST will be at the regular Tuesday time but then the finale will be on the next Sunday and will be 2.5 hours long!! Sucks because I am going to be in Pittsburgh for the weekend. Gonna have to figure a way out to break away from the family too watch!!
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