* So training this week has been great! I did my long 18 miler, and survived, which made me very happy! I'm thinking about doing my 20 miler next Sunday (Oct. 3rd), which would be 11 days after my 18 miler. I don't know when else I could do it and still get in a good taper for the marathon on the 17th. For those of you who have done a marathon, is this a good plan of attack? I feel like I need to get the 20 miler in, but I don't want to do it if I can't recover enough for it to do well in the marathon. Does that make sense? Ugh...being sidelined by sickness just screws everything up!
* I had an amazing yoga class yesterday. It involved a lot of stretching and moves that really helped with my piriformis. It was almost as if she was catering the workout to me...:)
* I found a new masters swim class that I think I'm going to like a lot better than the one I was going to at 24 hour fitness. It is put on by Swim Labs, the same company I went to for the video stroke analysis. The coach actually helped me with my stroke and told me things I could do to improve. Plus, it was a lot less intimidating than the other one and I just felt more comfortable there. I know I shouldn't care about how the other swimmers are doing, but it's hard being the slowest one in a class. Mentally, I just need a change from that. I really want to focus on my swimming during the off season, so I think this will be good for me.
Other things too:
* So, I broke down and bought a pair of
CEP Running Progressive Compression socks. I love my Zoot compression tights, so I thought I would try these too. I first wore them after my Naked Foot 5k. My calves were a little sore from running in my VFF Bikilas, and these were awesome! I've since worn them several times after some runs, and I really like how they feel. They are a little difficult to get on at first, but once they're on they feel great. The compression is not too tight or too loose, which is nice. I am planning on wearing them during a 10M run next week to see how they are during running. If they work well, I may be wearing them for my marathon.
Do any of your have compression socks? If so, how do you like them? Have you ever worn them for a long run/marathon?
* I volunteered in my son's kindergarten class this week for a couple of hours and it was awesome. I know a lot of moms and dads don't ever get that opportunity, so I feel very lucky to be able to do it. It was so cute to see the little kindergartners working away, but boy does the teacher have her hands full! I taught 3, 4, and 5th grade before being a SAHM, and I gotta tell you I would NOT want to teach kindergarten! There were some kiddos in there that have never even been to preschool and were just completely clueless about everything. Then, there were others that were kind of bored because they are already ahead of what they are expected to know by the end of the year. Crazy, crazy!
Some Randomness:
* The awesome Beth at
Shut Up and Run! tagged me to post 10 random things about myself! Thanks, Beth! :) So, here they are:
1. In college I got a degree in Exercise Physiology before getting a degree in Education. I graduated, and then decided that what I really wanted to do was be a teacher. Two years later, I graduated again with an Education degree. I love being a teacher, but what I would really love to do is be a high school running coach. Then, I could put both of my degrees to use at the same time! I would LOVE it!
2. I have never broken a bone (knock on wood!).
3. I had a red Jeep Wrangler in high school/college and ended up having to sell it. I loved that thing. I know it's not a very practical vehicle, but if I could, I would buy another one in a heartbeat!
4. Moths freak me out. They fly so sporadically and you never know where they're going to go. Plus, they like to "hide" in the weirdest places like in the curtains, between the glass and screen door, and they love our garage door! We get a lot of moths here in CO and I'm always asking my husband to catch them and throw them back outside.
5. If I could, and I knew that I wouldn't gain a bazillion pounds, I would bake something every day of the week! There's just something about the process of baking something and the smells that fill the air that I just love.
6. I've said this in the past, but one of my dreams is to through hike the Appalachian trail. I WILL do it someday!
7. Because my dad owned his own construction business when I was growing up, I probably know more about tools and building things then most men (no offense guys!). It is hilarious when I walk into Home Depot and the guys working there automatically assume I know nothing. Then, once I start talking to them, I can actually see and hear a shift in the way they look at me and talk to me. I love having all of the knowledge that I do, and I have my awesome mom and dad to thank for it!
8. I am an organizational freak! Seriously, you should see my cabinets. Almost everything has it's own little labeled bin/container. It just makes life sooo much easier when things are organized!
9. I love finding ways to use what I have in my fridge, freezer, and cabinets to create something for lunch or dinner. I do this because I really don't like to waste food, and it saves money, but really, it just allows me NOT to have to make a trip to the grocery store! :)
10. I love wearing jeans, and would probably wear them every day if I could. But, I have a really hard time finding ones that fit me well. I have "runner's thighs" and a thin waste, so when I find ones that fit my legs/butt, they are huge in the waist and vice versa. I swear the next time I find a pair of jeans that I love, I'm going to buy 5 pairs of them, just so I never have to shop for jeans again!
Alrighty, I liked how Beth choose people to tag, so I'm going to
steal copy her idea! I'm going to tag the first 5 people that commented on my last post!
Running, Tri-ing and Living
Caratunk Girl
Forward Foot Strides
The Road (A Multisport Blog)
Chiu On This
* I hope you all have a great weekend! I know there are some of you racing, so good luck to you!