because you never know when you're going to get an AWESOME tailwind!!
I was able to go on a 2 1/2 hr. bike ride today, and it was great! I headed out and the wind was noticeable, but not too bad. But, once I got about 40min. into my ride, the wind really started picking up! It got so strong, and at one point I was literally only going 10mph! I was breathing so hard, but I kept on keeping on. Since I started my IMAZ training I have been trying to EMBRACE the wind instead of trying to avoid it. IMAZ is known for being windy on the bike course, so I really need to spend as much time as I can riding in windy conditions. I will be hoping and praying that it won't be too windy, but you just never know what race day will bring. So, in the meantime, BRING IT WIND!!
I rode out for 1:15, then decided to turn around. When I started heading back towards home IT WAS AWESOME!! I was able to average well over 20mph and it was so fun speeding down the trail on my tri bike! The wind made such a big difference heading out that it actually took me 15minutes LESS to cover the same distance. WOOHOO! It was so much fun!
You know you're jealous of my helmet hair! :) |
Now, the bike is put away, and I'm sitting here relaxing in my compression tights as I type! Life is good!
Ahhh...I LOVE these! |
I hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend!!
Nice riding, also the wind is a subsitute for hill training for us flat land people.
I am from AZ, its windy because its a desert and no trees to block that wind
The worst thing about a headwind is that scratching noise in your ears. It will drive you batty!
The BEST thing about a tailwind is that eerie silence when you can hear your wheels turning. Of course the feeling like you are on steroids feeling is great too :)
I am learning to embrace the wind. It seems like all my rides to date have included high winds at some point!
Great job on the IM training!
love/hate that wind ...
I had the same experience today! About 30 minutes into my ride I felt like i was moving backwards from the wind. But in the end it worked out :)
Need to get me some of those compression tights. They just look awesome!
Awesome Aimee! I have the same tights, except that mine have a sock like thing to them. They work wonders!
Question for you: Did you receive those E21 pills. Just making sure they did not get lost in the mail:)
I agree with Jon. I hate how noisy a head wind is. It is like every car is sneaking up on me and scares the crap out of me.
Enjoy your evening!
I told Christi on our ride last weekend that I have no idea what it's like to NOT ride with strong winds. I suppose one day when I do, it will be a thousand degrees. Nice job on the ride, girl - woohooo!!
Yea for a beautiful day to ride! I'll take the head or tail winds..not that I like them...but those cross winds...YIKES!
great training in the wind!
I had some this point with our weather i am not complaining!!
Training and riding in the wind is great b/c you never know what will show up on race day.
Are those Zoot compression pants? Thoughts?
I live on the prairies, so I hear you on the wind. Tailwinds are FUN!
I always try to like the head wind because I THINK i'll get a tail wind coming home. But I SWEAR the wind changes direction and I get a head wind on the return trip as well! I'm SURE of it!:)
There always seems to be wind...and I feel the same way...can't get rid of embrace it! you said...the tail wind ROCKS!
My last two longer rides have been in very windy conditions. Last week, I was going straight up a hill in the wind and looked down and was going 4.4 mph....yes 4.4. I literally could have gotten off my bike and walked faster. It's a tough hill and I can usually only go 7 or 8 mph, but 4 was just ridiculous.
Great ride!
WIND!! I know, it is sometimes, when you are heading into the wind like.."COME ON" Just wishing it would let up. Tail winds rock. You know what I really don't like? CROSSWINDS. Those are the ones when you think you are biking into a headwind on an out and back, looking forward to the tailwind on the return. You turn around. There is still a headwind, but this time, even worse. UGH. We get that a lot here.
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