So, for those of you who have been following me for awhile, you probably remember when my toe looked like this:

If you don't remember, you can read all about it [HERE]. :)
Well, after one big toe stubbing encounter with my office chair, it finally came off! Three months later!! **Yes, I know my toes are gross looking and I really need to take that polish off, but whatever!!
The coolest thing though is that it revealed a brand new toenail growing in its' place. feels so much better to have that off! I should have listened to all of your advice and took it off myself 3 months ago! :)
hahaha congrats!
In with the new, out with the old...a perfect start to a new year! Happy new year! Hope you are feeling much better too.
It's a badge of honor! :)
That is 20x better. As an added bonus, I'm going to save money today by skipping lunch!
Oh, you should see my toes:)
Gag! HEre comes breakfast! ha! I shouldn't say anything, I post ugly stuff like that too.
Glad it is healing up well.
Same think happened to my toenail. I found it strange to find another new one below it. It was like a small present.
My toes look the same, bleh, I USED to have nice feet. Glad your to feels better!
Oh man!!!!
New toenail for the new year!!
Nice rite of passage, I think. Actually, it is kind of gross.
Yes! I am actually horrible at taking off polish as well!
Great news! haha
Ahh, glad to hear it's finally gone! What a relief, huh?
I'm glad I saved this one until after lunch! :)
Hope you are feeling better. I have lost two nails - fun times :)
Gross? Maybe, but a part of our lifestyle.
That is out just like 2010 and in it's place a brand new one just like 2011.
Happy and Safe New Year to you and the family!
New year, new toenail. Congrats!
'bout time girl! LOL Glad that black toes it out of your life!
Yeah, that is awesome!
I have never had a black toenail and from the looks of it, I don't think I want to try it. Glad it came off! And even with a new one already in its place!
Hi Aimee,
So far I have only lost one toenail! Makes me wonder....if I am due for another:)
I love the new look of your blog! The pictures are look fantastic:)
Happy New Year!
It's probably sad, but I looked at this and just went "yep, been there..."
UM, congrats I guess.
Happy new nail !!
ooh that is seriously gross. At least you don't have to take the polish off that toenail!
That's not gross at all. Next time (yes, unfortunately, there will likely be others), you'll pull it off right away.
I feel so hardcore when I loose a nail. You are an AWESOME ATHLETE!!
Ha! You actually have pretty cute toes! :) This happened to me this summer while training for Portland. Loved having it come off. :) Thanks for your sweet comment and for your support with my children's book.
Welcome to the club. I think my record was a loss of 5 toenails all at the same time.
OK...I have two that look like that and two that are much worse. I think I may have more than one layer on new nail under the worst that happened in....August!! I keep hoping it will come off but nothing. I'm running the Disney marathon next weekend, but I've resigned myself to the fact I'll have to go get them removed soon. Ugh.
I'm sorry... did you say "kind of gross?" Bwaaaahahahahahaha. You are absolutely right. I nearly vomited. Is that bad?
Hmmm, and to think I just went to the kitchen to get a snack before sitting down to read blogs!! Hahahaa. Happy new year, hope 2011 starts out with you feeling better soon!
Hahah, but it's a good thing!!
I just paint all the toe stubs in the summer since I'm always lacking about 4 toenails...a gir still has to look somewhat pretty!! :)
i love any blog that begins with "Warning: This is kind of gross..."
That's way better looking than the diabetic vascular disease toenails I had to look at at work. Those were nasty.
As my 2 1/2 year old niece says... "GOSS!" :)
Plenty of toe situations JUST LIKE THAT. My last marathon was the worst. I lost more than 50% of my toenails and two of them (the same toes as yours) were pretty gnarly/brutal!! I too posted delicious photos of my jacked up toes for my viewers to wince over!!! Post marathon I have a feeling I'll be seeing a lot of the black line at the bottom of the pool too!!!
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