January 6, 2011

A week in review and other things too

Wow...I cannot believe it's been a week since I last posted!  Things have just been kind of crazy around here!  I know I usually do this post on Friday, but it's close enough.  I hope you all had a very happy New Year!  I am so ready to get this year started!!  :)

*  I am finally better!  Woohoo!  I do have to admit though, that I really liked not running for awhile.  Like I mentioned before, I have basically been training non-stop since last February, and I just got completely worn out.  So, although it sucked being sick, it was nice to just REST for two weeks.  I don't know what will happen in my marathon in 10 days (YIKES!), but it will be whatever it will be.  I am not running this to BQ or anything.  This may sound crazy, but qualifying for Boston is just something I really don't care about.  So, I'm going to have fun, enjoy the warmer weather (yay for 60 degrees!!), and support my husband in his first marathon!  Oh, and hopefully it won't end with me dry heaving and puking like my first one...YUCK!

*  I don't know about all of you, but my strength training has lacked big time!  I have been reading a lot about functional strength training and TRX suspension training [HERE].  I did some research about the TRX system which seems to be popping up everywhere recently, even though it's been around for awhile.  I have been thinking about getting one for my home, but I really wanted to try it out before I bought it because it's pretty pricey!  I finally decided to see if there was a place in Denver that did it, and I found the most amazing place!!  They had a free class Monday night for newbies, and I signed up to check it out.  IT WAS AWESOME!  The woman that led the class was a great instructor and I never once felt out of place, like I do sometimes when I start something new in a group setting.
The workout was fun and TOUGH!  I am still sore today, but I love it!  I am definitely going to try and go to more classes!  It will be hard to fit it into my schedule, but until I can afford a TRX on my own, I'm going to make it work.  I can really see how doing that type of "strength training" will be more effective then what I've been doing.  Plus, one of the instructors is a triathlete and she designs the workout based on exercises that would benefit triathletes!  How cool is that?!
Have any of you used a TRX?  If so, what do you think about it?  Do you think it's worth the money to buy one??

*  After my  marathon, this is going to be my view every morning at 4:30AM 4 times a week!  It is time to get back into the pool and tackle this whole swimming thing!  I'll be following a plan on beginnertriathlete.com that will hopefully help hold be accountable to getting my butt out of bed!

Other Things Too:
*  Remember how I said that things have just been kind of crazy and busy around here?  Well, we've been doing a lot of this:
  So we can get rid of this:

and replace it with new, soft, beautiful, stain free carpet in our basement!  Yay!

This carpet was on the floor when we moved in 8 years ago and it was nasty to begin with.  But, we didn't have the funds to replace it right away.  Then, once we had kids, we decided to wait until they were older to replace it b/c we knew it would get destroyed by them anyways.

It has been A LOT of work!  I've been repainting all of the walls because they just need a fresh new coat, and my husband and I are tackling ripping out all of the carpet ourselves to save on costs.  So, it's just been a dusty, dirty, painty (I know it's not a word, but it fits) mess!  But, my husband and I like doing home projects, so it's actually been kind of fun. :)

I hope you are all having a good week!  I have a lot of posts to read, so I'll try and get around to yours soon. Have a great weekend! :)


A Prelude To... said...

I totally get the need for some fresh carpet! Sometimes I go to the houses of people with little kids and they have NO stains on their floor or furniture and I wonder just how much work they have to put in to keep it looking that good!

I think my kids are finally old enough that we could probably start talking about replacing the carpets. It will be such a luxury! Now...what to do about my dirty dog...

I've heard ONLY good things about TRX but I have yet to try it.

Jen said...

YAY for a new year! I'm so excited about it too! I've done TRX before and loved it as well - I definitely think it's one of the best ways to strength train when you actually want to use your strength for something else! Good luck with your training!!

Running and living said...

So glad you are feeling better! Are you planning to take a little time off after the marathon to recharge before starting IM training?

I am so inspired about you getting in the pool at 4:30 am 4 times a week. That is really hard core! I think your swimming will improve a ton! I am excited to follow your IM training!

funderson said...

painty? I like it!

KovasP said...

Would love to try TRX. The whole paint/replace stuff is something I should be doing but just keep putting off.

Unknown said...

After asking for a year, I got a TRX for Christmas and have been loving it. It makes me hurt so good, and I love the convenience of having it at home. It's even more challenging when my 4 y.o. is talking to me the whole time I am doing it. He likes to participate too....

Hope you are feeling rested and ready to go for the marathon. You are going to have a great time!!

Christi said...

TRX looks like a great workout. I hope you enjoy it! I don't know anything about it so I can't offer any opinions on it sorry!

Yea, for household improvements! We need to change the carpet in our house but want to the finish our basement first and then put all the same carpet in the house. Still have started the basement and we have been in the house for 5 years now. Whoops!

Oh yea, here's to not being sick!

Amanda@runninghood said...

I am totally going to be asking you so many questions when i train for my first tri. You rock. Hey, do you have good ear plugs to recommend? I get swimmers ear every time and it stinks!

Julie @ HotlegsRunner said...

TRX has been on my wishlist for more than a list now. I really hope to get it soon but decided to get my road bike first. =)

Caratunk Girl said...

I wish I could find a place that had TRX, my strength training is TOTALLY lacking. I am lame. Cool on the pool!

AM! said...

hi there!
I've been meaning to write a post about my TRX now for weeks! but it's been the holidays, yada yada

anyhoots, i don't think they're that expensive are they? It's around ~$100 at least it was ~2yrs ago.

and while i find it hard and annoying (the whole stabilizing part!), it's great variety and good for runners/triathletes;-)
oh, and love your new bloggy look!;-)

Heather said...

I will be glad to hear how your TRX works out. I don't know anything about it.
I got back into the pool for the first time today too!! Missed that black line!

Austin said...

We just got a TRX for Christmas to do some at home strength training as well. The workouts can be deceptively butt kicking, and you are only limited by your own creativity/sadism. Though we've only had the TRX a couple of weeks, I've been doing ring training for quite a while now, and HIGHLY recommend it. Enjoy the classes until you can get your own - and good luck in the marathon!

Stephanie Anne said...

Glad youre feeling better!! Ive always wanted to try the TRX, Im glad you liked it!

Julie said...

Doesn't sound like you've been resting. :)

Good luck with the pool thing...I've been having a pretty hard time getting there.

Unknown said...

Everyone is doing TRX!! Is it like the new p90x?

DRog said...

Great news you are better !!!
Should make for a fun run...have never heard of TRX sounds interesting


dannie chOOng said...

TRX is not available in M'sia yet ! :(

Michelle Simmons said...

I just got a TRX and it hangs in my living room. :) I LOVE IT! I get on it like 3x/week and now that I am more comfortable with some of the exercises, can knock out a super full body workout in like 30 min flat. Perfect!

Ironman By Thirty said...

Painting is the worst! It is my least favorite home project bar none.

Good luck in your marathon!

Sage said...

We need to do a lot of painting too. Many of our walls have been builders white for the last 4 years.

You have a good base level of fitness. I wouldn't worry about the marathon.

Barbie said...

You have been super super busy.I wish you all the luck with your goals for this year :)

Julie said...

Hi AImee,
I am glad that you are finally feeling better. There are so many people at work who are sick and so many kids at Kay's school that are out with a stomach virus or bad cold.

We recently did a painting project too. Kay moved down into Josh's old bedroom and the room got a makeover:) We replaced the carpet in our house six years ago. We did not do it ourselves but it was still a ton of work.

Take care Aimee....Happy Friday!

Jon said...

My coach is a big advocate for TRX. He has all of his personal training clients on it. I just wish the price of the thing wasn't so expensive!

Velma said...

I really want to try the TRX - it just makes sense. Good luck with the house work. It is always a pain, but it pays off!

Anne-Marie said...

TRX sounds awesome! I've only heard about it recently, but I'd like to try it. That's super cool about the triathlete-specific workouts!

You swim at 4:30am?! That is hardcore! That makes my 3x weekly 5:45am swims seem pretty wussy :)

Jill said...

I've done TRX a time or two, mostly in the Athletic Training class I take at 24-hour. Where is the free Monday class, if you don't mind me asking? I'd like to maybe try it - thought I can't really afford the system right now.

Your basement is going to look so awesome - yay!!! I'd love new carpet. Maybe in 2017! Haha.

Glad you're feeling better!!! :)

Unknown said...

Is it crazy that I'm jealous you can swim at 4:30am? Our pool doesn't open till 6, which is just late enough I can't do it before my husband has to leave for work - meaning no morning swims.

Unknown said...

A few things...

4:30am? You are crazy! :)

Keep us updated on TRX. I'm super interested in it and we have the set up at our gym. I may have to do some reasearch.

And you are going to do great at the marathon... I love your attitude about it!

Unknown said...

A few of my teamates are using the TRX. We have one set up on our gym as well. I might have to try it out!

Kathleen said...

I have a TRX and need to start using it more. If you ever want to come over and use it you are more then welcome! I don't have a treadmill but have two trainers, free weights a bench and a nice TV to be intertained by.

Where did you take the TRX class? I would really like to do that!
Best of luck in your race. I really hope you don't puke. That is now my biggest fear!

Regina said...

My coach has the TRX and loves it. I usually go to the gym for strength training, but I have been keeping my eye out on craigslist for one. I am losing my sitter soon so it will make it easy to strength train at home until I find a new one!

Mom said...

Our martial arts studio just got the TRX and it looks like a fantastic workout from what I see and hear. Classes are popping up all over the place as well. You will have to keep us updated on the blog if you continue it and if it is worth doing.

Heidi Austin, PT, DPT said...

Havent tried trx quite yet but bought it for my hubby for christmas- he LOOOOVes it!

Emz said...

LOVE your new blog look.

love those photos!

three more sleeps!!! :)

Julie said...

Aimee not sure if this would be convenient for you or not but Groupon is doing unlimited TRX classes for a month for $45. Might be worth checking into if you get this today. :)


Alisa said...

Good luck at the marathon, I know you'll do great!

I'm in my last day of what I call the "cookie phase" aka resting. Tomorrow I'm up and at em for a tri club spin and maybe a swim.

4:30 am is rough but you can totally do it! I find that once I'm up early for a couple days in a row then it's all fine and dandy.

Mark said...

Man, glad you're finally better. I have been under it for a week now—YUCK! I kept trying to come back and do a little bit, but my body would revolt afterwards.

Good luck in the pool!